Monday, December 26, 2016

Not a surprise - weight up since the holidays....but I'm still here...

Weight up since the holidays and vacation. Even though my husband and I are not social butterflies we did attend several parties. Add to that the stresses of the holidays and my own post-election mood.

Even Christmas shopping, although I managed to almost reach my 10,000 stops-a-day goal on several shopping expeditions, was full of unexpected hazards. Did you know that what Panera has in the bagel display marked Pumpkin Bagel* is not a bagel at all, but a sweet pastry? I didn't...

I was gifted with a small amount of very good chocolate. I split it 50/50 and ate my half last night - gave the rest to my husband, who has better willpower and is not a chocoholic. Life is too short to eat bad chocolate.

Life is also too short to pretend that diet versions of things are 'just as good'...After making a mock eggnog with non-fat milk, two tablespoons of rum, and flavoring, I decided that I might as well just have the rum straight.

But now I'm back on the wagon, so to speak.  But I've decided I'm not getting back on the Nutrisystem Wagon or the Weightwatcher's Wagon or even the The Doctor's Simple Weight-Loss Plan Wagon.  I read about all the options and I'm back with planning ahead and using My Fitness Pal to calculate my calories, and I'm going to exercise more.

Yesterday I cooked a ham and I was surprised to see that three ounces of ham is only around 100 calories. I will probably end up freezing a lot of leftover ham. Fortunately one of the cats likes the fatty bits I cut off.

I still have some Nutrisystem left, mostly lunches, but I'm not reordering.

Today's totals, already planned, with fruit and vegetables, is around 1400 calories.

*Panera's website calls this a "Pumpkin Pie Bagel" and says is it 380 calories.

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